
The following are some of the publications I have authored or to which I have contributed to.  I have more in the queue and am always looking for an opportunity to contribute to other publications.

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What Happens on Campus Stays On YouTube

Contributing Author

Many of you might already be familiar with Erik Qualman’s pulitzer-prize-nominated book, What Happens in Vegas Stays on YouTube.  This practical guide helps individuals navigate the complex issues involved in understanding and developing one’s digital reputation online.  With the advent of social media and other modern technological tools, there are very few guideposts that are written in plain English with practical tips and activities to help individuals navigate them.  This book filled that gap.

This new version of the book builds off of the original, but is geared more squarely towards college students.  It includes examples, stories and tips relevant to life on campus.  This makes it a perfect book for use in first year seminars, as a university common read, or for staff retreats.

Will Technology and Distance Instruction Save Higher Education?

Chapter Author in “Colleges at the Crossroads: Taking Sides on Contested Issues”

Focusing on crucial issues in higher education, this book challenges readers to go beyond taken-for-granted assumptions about America’s colleges and universities and instead critically examine important questions facing them in today’s troubled world. Each chapter presents divergent perspectives, that is, “pro” and “con” views, in the hope of stimulating reasoned dialogue among students, faculty, administrators, and the public at large. Readers will explore how internal factors in the academic community often interact with external social, economic, and political influences to produce conflictual results. They will see that academe is hardly value-neutral and inevitably political. This book urges them to transcend strident political persuasion and instead engage in the careful analysis needed to make colleges better.


Career Opportunities Beyond the Ivory Tower

Chapter Co-Author (with Christopher Trudell) in “New Directions For Student Services: Managing Career Transitions Across the Lifespan for the Student Affairs Practitioner”

This chapter explores the various reasons, issues, benefits, and challenges in making the transition to careers outside of a college or university setting and provides practical advice on how to navigate the transition.


New Directions for Student Leadership

Remixing Leadership Practices With Emerging Technologies

Chapter Co-Author (with Edmund T. Cabellon) in “New Directions For Student Leadership: Going Digital In Student Leadership”

This chapter presents an overview of the historical trends in and the current state of technology in leadership education (P–20). Topics covered include the influences of digital and social technology on leadership education and the student leaders experience, the growing importance of technology competency, knowledge, and skills, and trends in leadership related to digital technology platforms and tools.



College Student Development in Digital Spaces

Chapter Author in “New Directions For Student Services: Engaging The Digital Generation”

This chapter explores how digital and social technologies may be impacting the developmental journeys of traditionally aged college students.  It provides important conceptual distinctions and explores the application of college student development theory in digital spaces along with implications for practice and inquiry.



Establishing Normal In The New Normal

Talking Stick Magazine, July/August 2021

As the pandemic recedes, campuses will need to practice essentialism, a disciplined pursuit of less, to come back better and stronger.


The Connector Study: A Strategy for Collecting Post-Graduation Data About Low-Income High School Students

Journal of Education and Students At Risk, June 2016
Co-authors include: Karen D. Arnold, Katherine Lynk Wartman, Paul Gordon Brown, Adam N. Gismondi, Jessica R. Pesce & David Stanfield

Tracking low-income students after high school graduation presents significant problems for data collection. The Connector Study is an attempt to increase and enrich outcomes data in a longitudinal study of low-income graduates of a national network of innovative high schools by gathering alumni updates through telephone interviews with high school staff members who remain in touch with their former students. Approximately 2 years after they worked with groups of students in high school, these individuals were able to provide information about education, job, and personal outcomes for 96% of 563 graduates. The Connector Study strategy offers a feasible method for collecting quantifiable outcome measures for longitudinal studies. This method also provides information about student change and individual circumstances that is difficult to obtain from students themselves, and that goes beyond the basic outcome indicators available through federal and state student tracking systems.


Re-Envisioning Student Learning in a Digital Age

Appeared in About Campus, September/October 2013

This article addresses new ways of certifying student learning in post-secondary education that goes beyond the traditional credit hour.  Digital badges, competency achievement and other methods are discussed as potential alternatives.  Opportunities for certifying co-curricular and other form of learning outside of traditional higher education structures are explored.


We Are All Esther Lloyd-Jones’ Grandchildren

Appeared in Developments, Winter 2013


A Response To “The Ethics of Professional Involvement and Development”

Appeared in Developments, Fall 2011
Co-Author: Heather Shea Gasser