Does Your Residential Curriculum Cascade?

An important concept in developing intentional learning experiences for students is the idea of the "cascade." Much like the successive steps of a waterfall, as water flows from one plateau to another, learning goals and outcomes in a residential curriculum should flow from more general statements of educational priority down to more specific and measurable... Continue Reading →

Presenting at #GLACUHO 2016 Today…

I'm excited to be back in the region in which I got my start. During my graduate student days I was the intern for Alma Sealine when she was GLACUHO President. Fast forward 15 years later and I'm back in the region and presenting three times. Below are the slides from the presentations I will... Continue Reading →

Words Matter in a Residential Curriculum

When thinking about my own experience in developing a residential curriculum, I'm reminded of a wordsmithing session I had with some colleagues.  We were attempting to set some broad learning goals for our curriculum and we wanted to ensure that our language encouraged critical reflection but also allowed for a diversity of viewpoints.  It took us... Continue Reading →

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