The Iterative and Reciprocal Process of Developing Rubrics (With Training Video)

An important element of developing residential curriculum involves scaffolding and sequencing learning. Rubrics, or tools developed for the purposes of scoring and rating development along a scale, can be useful in this scaffolding and sequencing process. As discussed earlier, residential curriculum rubrics break down learning outcomes into successive stages of development and mastery. Although coming... Continue Reading →

Video: PechaKucha – Claiming Our Roles As Educators: Residential Curriculum and Curricular Approaches

At the most recent Convention of ACPA - College Student Educators International, I had the opportunity to present a PechaKucha-stylepresentation on residential curriculum and curricular approaches to student affairs work. In this video I discuss why we need a curricular approach, how the movement started, what curricular approaches entail, and how we can move this... Continue Reading →

PRESENTATION VIDEO: Flipping Out: Concepts of Inverted Classrooms for Teaching and Training

I had the pleasure of presenting with Dr. Susan Marine, one of my fellow faculty members at Merrimack College, on concepts of classroom flipping.  What is flipping?  Here's a useful definition from Wikipedia: Flipped classroom is an instructional methodology and a type of blended learning that delivers instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom and moves activities, including... Continue Reading →

SPOTLIGHT: Boston College’s Viral Video #BCHappy

In keeping with my goal to re-blog the posts of others that I find particularly interesting or illuminating, I wanted to share the following post that comes from my home institution, Boston College.  Being a researcher of social and digital technologies in the higher education space, I am immensely privileged to be at an institution... Continue Reading →

The Story of Residence Halls (Told in Video)

I created this presentation back in 2008(?) for RA Training to help my RAs understand how the educational purpose of residence halls has evolved over time and where, as student staff, they fit into that history.  I recently came back across it and thought I'd put it up on the web as a video for others... Continue Reading →

Applying Bronfenbrenner’s Student Development Theory to College Students & Social Media

Tweet (One of my colleagues and friends, Paul Eaton, wrote a great blog post about Bronfenbrenner's applicability to online/social media spaces.  I also wanted to have a go at the topic, so I purposely didn't re-read his post until after publishing this one... and there's agreement... but with a twist... read on...) Urie Bronfenbrenner's theory of... Continue Reading →

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